Pink Elephant Yoga House u suradnji sa Ashtanga Yoga Studiom u Rijeci nudi vam mogućnost upisa u edukacijski program obuke za yoga učitelje po visokokvalificiranim standardima. Program je konstruiran za sve one koji žele započeti svoj put podučavanja ali i za one koji jednostavno žele saznati više o yogi i svim njezinim aspektima.
Yoga Institut stvoren je u svrhu visokokvalitetnog obrazovanja zasnovanog na dugogodišnjem iskustvu podučavanja svih aspekata yoge. Tim Instituta čine najkvalitetniji hrvatski i strani stručnjaci, specijalizirani za određeno područje programa edukacije.
Program je stvoren na inicijativu Marca Bianca, učitelja koji je još davne 2006 godine stvorio i pokrenuo prvu obuku za yoga učitelje na našim prostorima u Nava yoga studiju u Zagrebu.
Početkom 2012 godine Marco Bianco i Petra Bianco otvaraju Pink Elephant Yoga House, jedan od vodećih hrvatskih yoga studija i zasnivaju novu, cjelovitu obuku za yoga učitelje pod nazivom Pink Elephant Yoga Institut.
Pink Elephant Yoga Institut je registriran pri European Yoga Federation i priznat od World Movement for Yoga and Ayureda i World Yoga and Ayurveda Community.
Yoga Institut sadržava 300 i 600-satni program edukacije po standardima European Yoga Federation.
Program od 300 sati zasnovan je na četrnaest vikenda u razdoblju od 15 mjeseci. Vikend predavanja će se održavati jednom mjesečno od 9.00h do 17.00h i određeni broj vikenda i petkom od 19.30h do 21.30h.
Strukturiran je kako bi svojim polaznicima osigurao temeljno i stručno obrazovanje, ne samo u podučavanju Ashtanga i Vinyasa yoge nego i razumijevanju cjelokupne jogijske tradicije.
Marco Bianco (program director)
Petra Bianco (program director)
Lea Lončar (jogijska psihologija)
Tanja Kraljić Strgačić (ayurveda)
• History: Roots of Ashtanga Yoga
• Philosophy & Literature
• Sadhana - connecting the soul with the body
• Trishtana - the keys of the Ashtanga vinyasa practice
• Vinyasa - the art of movement, vinyasa krama
• Yama & Niyama - the path of the Yogi/ni
• Yoga Psychology
• Kriyas – theory and practice of six traditional cleansing techniques
• Asanas - moving the body with awareness
• Pranayama - the science of breath (in tradition of 0.P. Tiwari)
• Meditation - a journey beyond the boundaries
• Anatomy & Physiology of yogic practices
• Energetic aspects of yoga practice
• Mantras - vibrating on high frequencies
• The art of teaching
• Hands on the body - the art of adjustments
• The science of Ayurveda
• Ethical principle for teaching yoga
1. vikend: 28/29 listopad 2017
2. vikend: 17/18/19 studeni 2017
3. vikend: 09/10 prosinac 2017
4. vikend: 26/27/28 siječanj 2018
5. vikend: 09/10/11 ožujak 2018
Nastavni program moguće je uplatiti jednokratno na početku održavanja programa, na 6 rata ili na 14 rata koje se uplaćuju na početku svakog vikenda.
Kako bi rezervirali svoje mjesto u grupi koja je ograničena na maksimalno 15 učesnika potrebno je uplatiti upisninu koja je nepovratna i uključuje sve troškove materijala korištenog u svrhu edukacije.
Upisnina (jednokratno): 700kn
Nastavni program:
12.000kn ( jednokratno plaćanje)
12.600kn ( 6 rata po 2100kn)
13.300kn (14 rata po 950kn)
U cijenu programa uključeno je:
• ilustrirani manual u tri djela
• radna bilježnica
• pribor za jogijske tehnike čišćenja
• godišnja kartica od 50 besplatnih dolazaka
• obavezna literatura u e-formatu
• promatranje i asistiranje na regularnim satovima yoge i samostalno vođenje satova
• posebna TT cijena mjesečnih paketa i 15% popusta na sva predavanja i radionice
Born and raised in Italy, Marco dedicated his life to the wisdom of Yoga by
spreading it to the people around the world. Today he lives in Zagreb with his
wife Petra, taking care of different schools and programs dedicated to yogic
education. He is the Advisor for Croatia at the European Yoga Council,
member of European Yoga Federation and International Advisor of the World
Yoga Council.
He first meets eastern philosophies in the mid 80’s and, since then, in his rich
life experience, he had the opportunity to meet and work with many great
teachers of many different traditions such as Iyengar Yoga, Shivananda Yoga
and his favorite Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Besides his great knowledge on the
asana practice and anatomy of human body, he is a passionate meditator and
philosophy scholar in the field of Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
In the nineties he received his education in yoga from Carlo Patrian, the
teacher who, after spending many years in India in contact with the most
renowned yoga teachers of the19th and 20th centuries, received the honorary
title of “Yoga Ratna” and was the first person who brought yoga to Italy in
the late 50-ies. Marco, after several years of study in direct contact with his
teacher and mentor Carlo, received the diploma of Yoga Teacher in Milan at
Carlo’s “Istituto Yoga”.
In 2005 he moved to Croatia where he was invited to as a senior teacher
teach and soon after he developed the first croatian teacher training program
for yoga teachers according to the high international standards of European
Yoga Federation, Yoga Alliance and International Yoga Federation.
In early 2012, he opened the Pink Elephant Yoga House with his wife Petra
and, together with her, created a new program for yoga teachers called Pink
Elephant Yoga Institut as well as a three-year program called School of
Consciousness dedicated to practice of yogic philosophy. Institute is
registered by the European Yoga Federation and recognized by the “World
Movement for Yoga and Ayurveda” and “World Yoga and Ayurveda
Marco is often invited to teach as guest teacher in many different countries.
He constantly collaborates with many teachers and, in particularly with Swami
Suryananda (Amadio Bianchi) with whom is bound by a profound respect and
a long term friendship.
He teaches Ashtanga, Vinyasa, meditation and philosophy classes. Marco’s
classes contain a a great sense of precision, alignment, fluidity and strength,
a lot of philosophical wisdom and … a touch of fun!
Petra grew up in a yogic environment in Zagreb as her parents were
practising and teaching Yoga back in eighties.
Her personal yogic path started in 2001, when she was working worldwide as
a successful professional model. At that time yoga became her daily practice,
helping her balance between worldly life under reflectors of fashion business
and her intimate nature of yearning for connection from within.
Very soon she realized yogic path is her life calling and after finishing her
carrier in 2010 she decided to enroll in teacher training program with great
Indian masters Kamal Singh and Sunil Sharma and started teaching Ashtanga
Vinyasa method on daily basis.
Soon after, her strong passion for pranayama practice brought her to study
under guidance and tradition of her teacher, O.P.Tiwari, one of the few living
masters in India teaching pranayama practice in traditional way. With his
blessing, guidance and yearly extensive education in pranayama teacher
training program in Kaivalydhama Yoga Institute of India, she became the
first registered pranayama teacher of Kaivalydhama tradition in Croatia and
She is a passionate TM meditator since childhood but today she is very
grateful to her meditation master and guide Ananda Vdovic, amazing woman
and well-known meditation teacher and musician, for guiding her on this path
of self discovery.
In early 2012, together with her husband Marco, she opened the Pink
Elephant Yoga House, well known house for Yoga in Croatia and developed
one of the most complete teacher training program called Pink Elephant Yoga
Institute registered by the European Yoga Federation and recognized by the
World Movement for Yoga and Ayurveda and World Yoga and Ayurveda
Beside teaching in Pink Elephant, she is a passionate traveler, philanthropist
and sociologist by profession who loves to share her energy with people
around the globe, especially in different yoga retreats and workshops. Petra
teachings are based on a deep understanding of all aspects of Ashtanga
Yoga: physical, anatomical, philosophical and experiential. They are detailed,
full of mindful hands-on adjustments and energy transfer and, above all,
characterized by her unique way of teaching always focusing the attention of
students towards their own personal experience and discoveries.
Detalji o samome tečaja, kao i prijavnica nalaze se u pdf dokumentima koje možete preuzeti ovdje: